  • To determine that product meets both functional and physical requirements
  • To determine that artifacts are stored in a controlled library.
  • To ensure that artifacts and baselines are available.
  • Prepare a list of all the artifacts called out in the Development Case
  • Ensure that the Product Directory Structure contains each artifact
  • Report Findings
  • List Product Features
  • Ensure that each feature has an associated set of Test Results
  • Report Findings
Input Artifacts: Resulting Artifacts:
Frequency: At the end of the Construction Phase (Initial Operational Capability), and at the end of the Transition Phase (Product Release).
Worker: Configuration Manager

Workflow Details:

There are two different types of audits:

  • The Physical Configuration Audit (PCA), and
  • The Functional Configuration Audit (FCA).

The PCA determines whether the artifacts released by the development team match those agreed to in the Development Case.

The PCA is a point-by-point comparison of what is required to build the system with what is physically listed and present in the 'product directory structure'. The idea is the ensure that all required items are present, and to note any deviations of items that are present that shouldn't be, and those that are missing. The discrepancies are noted in the Configuration Audit Findings.

The FCA determines, through reviewing test results, whether the functional capabilities provided by the developed software match those specified in the requirements. The output from a FCA is a matrix that lists the requirements, and for each requirement references the test procedure and corresponding test results that attest the validation of the requirement.

Part of the FCA is to ensure that CRs have been similarly implemented and validated through test.

If there are any discrepancies, then these are captured in the Audit Findings together with corrective actions and completion dates.

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